Quote of the week

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players:

Friday, August 20, 2010

Welcome my friends to the blog that never ends ...

Welcome to my blog. I'm looking forward to sharing what's in my head with you over the coming weeks. You may find that a daunting prospect - and you would probably be right to do so - but, what the hell, let's all just jump on and enjoy the ride.

I intend posting regular entries on leadership and in particular how we can all develop our leadership capabilities. Not everyone can be a leader but I am a firm believer that we can all learn to behave as leaders to the benefit of ourselves and those around us.

You can look forward to frequent sound bite posts prompted by stuff that is going on in the wide world, regular in depth posts on aspects of leadership and occasional reviews of reference sources that I have enjoyed and found useful. You can also expect to see influences creeping in from my wide (some say weird) taste in music, film and books. There may be prizes if you spot the references.

I can look forward to the challenge of organising my thoughts into something worth r
eading and, hopefully, to generating some interesting responses from you the reader (you know who you are!)

Welcome on board.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Mike - welcome to the BlogoSphere!

    Looks good so far - I like the idea of trying to build a blog based largely on 1970s Prog Rock references - see if you can keep it up. By strange coincidence my last post was titled "I Don't Want To Sound Complainin'"!

    Will comment again when I've digested the two longer posts.
